
Top 10 Destination in Sabah

Below is the list of Top 10 Destinations of Sabah, we've been to these places and would like to recommend them to you, without any commercial and political interest hidden behind. ;-)

Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Mt. Kinabalu
The highest mountain of Malaysia
Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Kapalai Island
A romantic island in Celebes Sea of Semporna
Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Sipadan Island
One of the top 3 diving sites in the world
Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Danum Valley
130-million-year virgin Borneo rainforest, older than Amazon
Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Klias Wetland
Proboscis monkey and Xmas firefly trees welcome you.
Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Poring Hot Springs
Try the sulfurous hot spring and thrilling canopy walk.
Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Tawau Hills Park
See the tallest tropical tree in the world
Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Sepilok Orangutan
Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre
Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Kinabatangan Floodplain
World-class wildlife and birding sites in Asia.
Top 10 Sabah Destinations | Sapi/Manukan Island
Favorite islands of people in Kota Kinabalu

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